Clarence Clarity Announces ‘Who Am Eye’ EP

Clarence Clarity Announces 'Who Am Eye' EP Out 12/2 Via Bella Union, Clarence Clarity Shares new track "Those Who Can't, Cheat"

“who am eye [sic]?

clarence clarity saved me from the reptile cesspit

pulled me back to a surface eye didn’t recognise

this checkerboard landscape is an auto-refreshing infinity pool

the plastic feels amazing

glitching polygons knife-fight on the horizon

celebrity sex tapes cast inverted shadows across the storm cloudTM

and in plato’s desert caves they spin a deep web

eye’m the melting face in the pixel avalanche

eye write a press release as a youtube commenting parasite

coz eye’m as 2D as u

eye’m clarence clarity”


Clarity is coming. 





  1. Those Who Can’t, Cheat
  2. Golden Gate
  3. Off My Grid
  4. Exaltations



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